Helping you live your best life

Open Skies Healthcare is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization dedicated to helping New Mexicans overcome obstacles so they can live fulfilling lives and reach their highest potential. The great work we do—providing behavioral health services to adults and children—begins with our core values: compassion, integrity, relationships, creativity, leadership, and excellence.

For a company that provides care for adults and children with emotional, behavioral, interpersonal, learning and substance abuse problems, these core values are vital—and our staff members are brimming with them. After all, they’re members of our community, and they care deeply about the people around them and those they serve.

Services begin with our staff members assessing each client’s strengths and identifying their personal vision of enhanced wellbeing. A treatment plan is developed and work begins in traditional settings, as well as in the community, where interventions can occur while symptoms are naturally present.

“We offer a variety of services to work on skill building, resourcing, and developing support systems for individuals to make long lasting changes, emotionally and behaviorally,” says Amber Rockwell, Clinical Director at Open Skies Healthcare.

Our staff members are continuously improving their clients’ lives and providing compassionate support for their clients’ families and caregivers. For the incredible team at Open Skies, it doesn’t stop at helping clients. The company regularly participates in community events and the human resources department regularly attends local health and wellness fairs to inform the community of the resources Open Skies has available.

Open Skies Healthcare is committed to providing high quality, compassionate mental health care to all clients, regardless of their ability to pay. We accept Medicaid and will work with you if you don’t have insurance.
We adhere to the New Mexico Community of Care Values
1. Individual family voice and     choice;
2. Community-based and     community-driven;
3. Recovery and resiliency     focused;
4. Culturally and linguistically     responsive;
5. Adaptable and innovative;
6. Strengths based; and
7. Persevering.

We deliver care based on the New Mexico Community of Care Practice Expectations
1. Based on the expressed     needs or assessment of the     individual and family;
2. Strengths-based with the     individual and/or family     driving their own care;
3. Teaming, with emphasis on     natural and community     supports;
4. Holistic planning with     emphasis on engagement;     and
5. High quality, outcomes-     informed.

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